Friday, March 19, 2010

Supserstion of the Week - Hats

One Mad HatHats

  • Hats should never be worn indoors as it is thought this will bring on a headache.
  • Men should remove their hats when a funeral passes by because it is believed if they don’t they will be the next ones to pass on.
  • It is bad luck to place a hat on a bed or a table. Even worse to store a hat under the bed.
  • If a hat is accidentally placed on the head backwards, the person will have bad luck for the rest of the day UNLESS they buy a new one, which will avert the bad luck. (We believe this one was started by hatters)

And speaking of head wear, the above is one ravishingly mad hat!!!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific stuff - you should offere your expertise in such arcane matters to WISEGEEK.
    Pamela, I just LURVE the graphic: so talented !
